The Tiny Homes Carnival in March 2020 attracted more than 8000 people, who came to see tiny houses for sale and learn more about tiny home building. But even so, the proportion of Australians who live in tiny houses full-time hasn’t really grown that much.
There’s a lot of interest in the idea, but people are somehow not moving into tiny homes. It could be because downsizing it is still a new concept for many.
Also, it could be because people are afraid of making irreparable mistakes when building a tiny home. Are you worried about that as well and is that holding you back?
That’s why we have created this article on some mistakes in tiny home construction that you should absolutely avoid.
1. Going Too Cheap on the Materials
You probably got into tiny home building because you wanted to save money. That’s quite understandable.
But there’s something about going too cheap with the materials that can result in a tiny home that will need to be torn down a few years down the road and rebuilt again. That’s not going to save you money or time.
It’s better to do things right from the get-go. That’s why if you aren’t an expert on tiny home design or building, it might be a better idea to get a tiny home builder like Aussie Tiny Houses on your side first.
This way you can rest assured that your tiny home will be built with high-end materials, sturdy construction, and quality craftsmanship. You will also be able to work with our team to build a tiny house suited to your needs exactly.

2. Not Planning the Tiny House Design Properly
This goes hand in hand with point one, but you mustn’t jump into tiny home building without doing substantial design work. A lot of people get excited about building a tiny home for themselves and forget that they need to stop, think, plan, and design before building a tiny home.
It’s the same as building a traditional home. Just because a tiny home is tiny doesn’t mean it doesn’t require the same kind of forethought and planning as a bigger home.
We are not saying that you should spend months or years on this design stage, but a few weeks is crucial.
Not only will this ensure that you design and build a home that’s perfect for your needs, but also that you won’t have to tear down walls or renovate the home a few months down the line because you missed something crucial.
If you aren’t sure what goes into tiny home design, then it might be a good idea to hire someone to do this for you. There are lots of things to know about tiny home design like putting a header into your tiny home and using the right-sized trailer for your home (most people go too small usually).
Also, don’t forget that construction material is heavy and you will have to account for that weight when designing a tiny home. Finally, moisture mitigation needs to be a huge part of the planning process as well.

3. Having Not Enough Storage Space
A tiny home can soon start looking and feeling quite congested and messy if you don’t organize it well. You don’t have lots of unused space or rooms available in a tiny home that you can dump your extra items into.
You will want to ensure you have lots of extra storage space in your tiny house, like underneath your bed, or couch, or on top of the refrigerator and other appliances.
The more storage space you can add to your tiny home, the easier it will be for you to organize yourself and not feel suffocated when living there.

4. Not Thinking About Living Room Comfort
A lot of folks put bench seats into their tiny home and think that their job is done. Bench seats are fine for short periods of time, but you will want something more comfortable for all those long hours you will spend sitting in your living area.
A good and comfortable sofa would be ideal in this regard. Don’t forget that you are building a home here and not just a vacation house. You want to be able to spend hours and hours lazing about in your living area with friends and family without feeling uncomfortable.

5. Expecting a Tiny Home to Do Too Much
A tiny home can only accommodate so many people. The square footage of a tiny home is smaller (which is why people usually add stairs and a second level to it).
This means that your kitchen smells and noises will permeate your entire tiny home. And every time someone walks about in any part of the tiny home, it will reverberate throughout the entire house.
All this needs to be considered when building a tiny home. If you are just two people, then a tiny home with one room should be enough.
But if you have babies, and/or teenagers, you will need to think about adding rooms or more space. Otherwise, everyone will be driven insane by the close proximity and lack of privacy.
Tiny Home Building Is Nuanced
There’s no need to feel discomfited or discouraged by the tiny home building mistakes outlined above. If you are careful and pay good attention to the planning and design stage, it’s easy enough for you to build a great tiny house for yourself.
But if you aren’t sure about any of these aspects, then it’s better to hire Aussie Tiny Houses to build tiny houses in Queensland. We have a team who are just waiting to help you create the tiny home of your dreams. Contact us today to get started.
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